Backyard Bouquets















Ever since I started Bloomingayles, I have always been asked by fellow flower lovers, “how did you learn to arrange flowers?” and “how do you come up with your ideas?.

I love learning, teaching & creating in various medias, but I am particularly drawn to flowers & plants. I have taken art classes since I was a little girl.  I was born in Brooklyn and grew up going to the Botanic Gardens in Prospect Park, the zoo at Central Park, the mountains & lakes in upstate New York, and the beach at Cape May Point, New Jersey.  I am inspired by nature, the sky, clouds, the sea, art, fashion, poetry, people, emotions, animals… inspiration is truly limitless.

Imagination & dreams.

When I am arranging flowers, I feel as though I am painting a picture with the flowers, in place of a brush or pen. I have been teaching “pop-up” floral design workshops in different venues and my most recent was “Backyard Bouquets” in my own garden in Mill Valley. I am currently planning the schedule for classes this Autumn.

Please e-mail me at if you would like to be added to my class list for future workshop dates. Here are a few photos taken by Kathleen Harrison of the “Backyard Bouquets” workshop & there are more posted on Bloomingayles facebook.

Bloomingayles Summertime Workshop

Backyard Bouquets

Saturday, July 28th

  10am – 12pm

Learn to create

~arrangements with flowers grown in your garden or gathered

at market…

~ bouquets incorporating succulents & tillandsias

(with instructions on how to add faux stem and hand wire succulents)

~how to design bouquets with what you have grown specifically for cutting in your garden
& suggestions of flowers & herbs that are fragrant & long lasting combinations

~simple, chic & modern ideas for assembling stunning bouquets & tablescapes for entertaining & everyday pleasure ~

Class will be held in

Bloomingayles’ Garden

Address given with reservation.

Tulsi Sweet Rose Tea
& Lemonade will be served

Please R.S.V.P. by 7/23 by calling 415-298-4047

  $35 workshop fee

Cursive/Art Class at Lauren McIntosh’s Studio, Berkeley


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